Why doesn’t Barbie recognize that Raquelle is a hater

Let’s face it. We’ve all wanted the Barbie Dreamhouse life at one time or another.  She beautiful, everything she says and does is golden. She has a killer fashion sense, a boyfriend, well at this point, life partner/hubby that adores her. Adoring fans, killer clothes, killer jewelry (tangle free and kinkless), well killer life, period.  But even the girl that has it all has haters. I can definitely relate. I’m sure we all can.  We all have a Raquelle in our lives. Someone who wants to be you, and at time, can feel like they want to skin you alive and wear your skin.  They want what you have. To them the grass is greener and your green patch is just what the doctor ordered.

But what can we learn from the way Barbie deals with Raquelle? Well there is that old adage, “make your haters your motivators”. But Barbie takes this one step further. She treats Raquelle with love, humility and kindness.  She puts no negative energy into her tomfoolery and lets her fall by her own weight.  Instead she chooses to believe the best in people and believe that Raquelle has no ill intent and keep her close as part of her inner friendship circle. We could all learn a thing or two from Barbie. This is why her life is drama free, and well perfect.


Written by Nina Lewis


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